Reduce Caustic, Water, Time & Heat:
Eco-Friendly Cleaner Saves Money!
(NSF Approved)

Can reduce caustic usage by 25% or more.
What is Additive to caustic and how it helps in reducing caustic in cleaning (CIP)?
Adding an additive (EKO POWER 1053) to caustic deliver so many benefits of CIP and get rid of problems. The National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) has approved such additive to be used in CIP for all food contact surfaces. You can use it to turn your current caustic cleaning solution in to formulated detergent for CIP into a useful tool for a variety of CIP tasks in the dairy, ethanol processing, and beverage industries. You can reduce caustic by 25% and save cost for your organisation.
For the best CIP performance, an additive (EKO POWER 1053) to caustic :
Cleaning and descaling: The additive enhances the detergency power of caustic solution, even in the presence of metal ions such as Ca and Mg, due to its potent chelating properties. These ions can have a substantial effect on the cleaning efficacy of caustic solution in absence of chellating agent, leading to the use of a greater quantity of caustic in the cleaning procedure to mitigate for the reduced efficacy of caustic alone in the cleaning solution.
Reduced Microbial Load: It will stop the growth of microbes by a large amount, protecting food safety and product quality.
Remove burnt soil easily: Multi-effect evaporators, plate heat exchangers, and tube heat exchangers are all high-temperature devices and burnt soil may deposite on the surafces. It is sometimes tough to clean themand required siginificant efforts or high concenration of caustic and temperature. IN some cases manula scrubbing may be needed.
Convenience and savings: Adding Germkill 1053 to a caustic solution can cut down on the cost of cleaning and the need to buy extra formulas. There is case study which demonsatrates huge cost saving if it is implemented in right way.
Germkill 1053 was made to last for a long time, which makes it safe for the environment.
Find out what makes Germkill 1053 different from
The fact that it cleans everything at once saves a lot of time.
Because it is so effective at killing microbes, the food supply will be safer.
Get the most work done while cutting down on costs and cleaning.
If you want to help the environment, use a green cleaning product.
Switch to Eko Power? Germkill 1053 right now to see what CIP cleaning will be like in the future.

Limitations of caustic as cleaner or detergent
While caustic solutions like sodium hydroxide (lye) and potassium hydroxide are powerful cleaning agents, for dairy, brewing and food industries, using them alone comes with several limitations:
1. Limitation of removal of some soils- Caustic is good in removing grease, fat, protein, however, solo caustic solution faces problem in removing sugar, minerals and starches. In fact in presence of minerals like metal ions (Ca or Mg), caustic cleaning efficacy reduce significantly. Secondaly, caustic solution will have higher surface tention and may take higher time to penetrate thru the soil and take high time to rinse out from the suracfes.
2. Material compatibility- Caustic does not go well with soft and other metals and some gaskets. It is higly corrosive in nature. The damage to the equipment converted in to high repairing and shut down cost.
3. High water consumption- Caustic solution is tough to rinse out properly. Hence consumes too much of water in rinsing and impacting over all envirnment if release untreated.
4. Safety concerns: Caustic solutions are strong irritants and can cause severe burns and eye damage. Implementing strict safety protocols, including proper PPE and handling procedures, is crucial to prevent accidents

Benefits of Additive in Caustic
Reduce COD by 20%
Reduce ETP TDS by 40%
Cost reduction upto 50%
Increases heat transfer by 15%

Eko Power Germkill 1053 is a proprietary formulation of chalets, surfactants, antifoam, and dispersants, which cover up shortcomings of NaOH during CIP. It boosts NaOH cleanability and efficacy by reducing surface tension and helps penetrate the NaOH into the soil surface and increases sensibility.
Simultaneously it chelates Ca++ and Mg++ available in water and Milk (in dairy plants) in CIP solution. These ions reduce NaOH cleaning efficacy and make it ineffective.
Some other surfactant that is added in the GermKill 1053 is dissolved fats in the CIP solution. Dispersing agents keep the removed soils in the solution and avoid them to redeposit on the cleaned surfaces.
A non-foaming formulation can help reduce pump cavitation and increase efficiency.
Cost Analysis before and after using EKO POWER 1053
This cost analysis is actual of a dairy plant. The plant's CIP was manual. the caustic flakes was in used which was dosed manually in caustic CIP tank.
The customer called us for caustic reduction due to recent caustic price increased. However, the first condition was to maintained the current cleaning efficacy.
The plant was using Caustic at 1.5% concentration in CIP for specific time and temperature.
When EKO POWER 1052 was used with caustic , caustic % was reduced to 0.8% and 0.08% EKO POWER 1053 added manually in CIP tank.
43% Saving

Caustic Reduction in CIP
Caustic reduction of 54% not only helps in saving cost, it also has some indirect benefits like, reducing water after caustic step, COD at ETP and reduction of acid requried to neutralised pH at ETP.
54% Caustic Reduction